"Why do I still have to do dishes? They're just going to get dirty again!"
I'm pretty sure I've been saying and asking myself this question since age 5. Having my own apartment as well as my own dishes to clean, hasn't changed that question much.
Every time I go to take on the horrid dish pile it feels like a little bit of my free spirit dies and a little bit of a 1800's maid starts to reveal itself.
Walking past styrofoam dishes at Wal-Mart is by far one of my greatest temptations.
"Why? Why are we still washing dishes in 2016? We should be past this point." Do any of you agree?
My husband works part time as a window cleaner when he's not in class or writing papers for seminary. His job, in my opinion, is basically only one half step up from having to wash dishes all day. I mean, HELLO, that window in that restaurant will be dirty again in about 5 minutes when that 2 year old sits down and sticks his grubby hands up on the window. But my husband doesn't hate his job. In fact, when the temperatures are above freezing he actually likes it! Crazy, I know.
A while back I took the time to ask him why he enjoys it. What about it gave him such thrills. He smiled and told me, "I like that I get to reflect part of the nature of God. I get to look at the dirt and disorder on these panes of glass and say, 'Let there be order and cleanliness.'"
I think at the time I may have raised one eye brow - or attempted to at least - and nodded my head slowly with skepticism, but the more I think about it the more I wonder if that's the key to really finding joy when we work. As much as I hate doing dishes, I do find a certain satisfaction looking at the cleared counter and shiny sink. Same with laundry. I still think it's ridiculous that wrinkles can't please just be in style, but there is definitely a sense of relief and happiness when it's all folded and hung. And maybe, just maybe that's because God put that desire to create order out of disorder in us when He created us in His image. I mean check out the creation account in Genesis 1! That's a God with a very specific order and plan. And then, as we read through the entire Bible this complex and yet simple plan to save His people from the chaos and disorder of sin emerges. It's mind boggling!
Here's the thing. I still don't particularly enjoy doing dishes. My husband finds it "therapeutic" as he says. I don't. But, I don't hate it as much as I once did. And even in my dislike, I can take joy in that I am reflecting my Creator by cleaning the glass bowls and plates. Because let's be real, it would drive me crazy if I just left dishes piling up on the counter for a week. As much as dishes can be a pain, I need them to be done.
So now it's you're turn!
What monotonous everyday chore do you dislike the most and how can you take joy in it this week?
I'd love to hear your thoughts! B&IC isn't about me and the other great ladies on here telling you what to do. It's about us sharing in this life together. Drop a comment below.
Also, for all those people gearing up for spring cleaning here's the first de-cluttering book I've every successfully been able to read through and actually put to test! :D (Big cheers all around)
"The Simple Living Handbook; Discover the Joy of a De-Cluttered Life" by: Lorilee Lippincott. The one and only thing I've got against the book is it's cover so check it out if you're looking for some inspiration for this year's spring cleaning.
Alrighty then, I need to go do some dishes. No, for real. I really need to go do them.