
Life is made in the simple things.

Paint on walls.
Pasta with Alfredo.
Scrubbing toilets.
Fabric with monkey print.
Tea & Coffee.
Dirty dishes.
A great movie.
Baby lips.
A dress that fits.
Balanced checkbooks.
Books that grip.

A million small everyday things that make up each of our lives as women. No matter what you do, where you are at in life, or who you are, your life consists of millions of seconds of the smallest things that so easy to go unnoticed. It's so easy to get caught up in the everyday to the point that life can become monotonous and dull. But God didn't intend our lives to be full of dull drudgery. He wants us to live in enjoyment of His goodness and the beauty that He has given us on this earth.

Yes, there is pain.
Yes, there is hardship.
Yes, life is sometimes just super overwhelming, but God is good in the midst of that.

It's easy to lose sight of God's truth and His goodness which is why we need our Sisters in the Lord to encourage and remind each other of those truths. Which is why this blog exists. We are each women who are looking for glimmers of Heaven and displays of God's goodness in our ordinary, everyday lives.

None of us are perfect.
None of us have it all put together.
But we do have Christ.
And we hope you'll join us in seeking to find God in the ordinary.

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